How Disney Engages Customers of All Ages
Overview: Disney is synonymous with magic, happiness, and dreams coming true, and not only among children – it’s also for adults and even grandparents. The brand has maintained a connection with its broad audience for decades by creating stories with universal themes, using technology in innovative ways, and making the customer experience memorable. So What?… Read More…
7 Ways Starbucks Has Innovated the Customer Experience
TLDR: Starbucks’ value lies in its customer experience. It makes money by constantly innovating on that experience. So what: Every business has a customer experience. No matter what you sell, you can innovate your customer experience like Starbucks. Introduction Starbucks does not sell coffee. That may surprise you, but the truth is that Starbucks sells an… Read More…
How Nelson Mandela Used Communication to Change the World
Overview Nelson Mandela’s passion to change South Africa for the better was achieved through his methods of communication. Mandela communicated a big message in a way that showed there was nothing he wouldn’t do to accomplish his goal. So What? Marketers that demonstrate a high level of passionate commitment to their product or brand will… Read More…
How Wendy’s Uses Humor and a Bit of Social Snark to Engage Its Target Audience
TLDR: Wendy’s is famous for its humorous and snarky social media presence. Their actions bring life and free marketing to the brand. So What: Businesses can benefit by following Wendy’s example online. Knowing how to present yourself to an online audience can help make your brand fun and relatable. Some of the most famous Twitter accounts include… Read More…
The 7 Secrets of Peter Drucker, Master Business Communicator
Overview: “Father of management thinking” Peter Drucker could see trends coming from a long way off because of his ability to listen and read between the lines. He was direct in his communication style and often focused on what corporations needed to do next to be more successful. So What? It’s not enough to be… Read More…
Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee: The Communication Techniques of Muhammad Ali
Overview: Muhammad Ali may be an unlikely communicator, but he was able to communicate authentically in his own style and manner. He did this by projecting confidence, using humor, and being true to himself. So What? Marketers can learn from Ali’s masterful way of promoting himself as “the greatest” boxer and using his fame to… Read More…
Speak Like a Billionaire: Warren Buffett’s Simple Approach to Communication
Buffett states that when young businesspeople invest in improving their communication skills, they will make 50% more than they would otherwise.
How Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop Built an Engaging Lifestyle Brand
In the last decade, we’ve seen an increase in lifestyle brands that offer a curated selection of products and services. One such company is Goop, founded by actress Gwyneth Paltrow.
How the National Park Service Has Evolved With an Eye on the Customer Experience
The National Park Service has employed several firms to improve its digital customer experience. Using a lot of feedback, they redid their website, database and digital strategy to reach younger generations.
How American Express Uses Rewards to Build Customer Loyalty
Overview American Express has been top-ranked for customer loyalty for many years. The brand’s unique offerings make it different from other reward programs. People loyally use AMEX cards because of the benefits they can’t get elsewhere. So What? Marketers can learn some lessons from the brand’s example, such as building a community of rewards and… Read More…