We believe better companies make a better world.
For over 25 years, we've been making our company better. It's not an overnight success story. It's a process of getting gradually better, day by day, year by year.
At Media Shower, we're relentlessly focused on improving our systems, improving our people, improving our processes.
We work to become better workers - and as we get better, the company gets better.
As the company gets better, our clients get better.
As clients get better, the world gets better.
Our Five Founding Values
- Continual Improvement infuses everything we do: it's what continually makes us better.
- Quality is delivering our best effort, constantly striving for ever-increasing excellence.
- Honesty means asking the tough questions, then listening for the answers: finding the truth together.
- Discipline is developing excellent work habits: doing what we say we'll do, when we say we'll do it.
- Agility is the constant improvement of our products, people, and processes based on real data.
Why does these values matter? Because media companies are powerful.
Media companies influence how we think, how we act, and how we treat each other. So the content we put into the world matters: every blog post, every video, every tweet is making the world either a little bit worse, or a little bit better.
We strive to align our work with the great Character Strengths, the timeless values that move humans forward. When we hook into these virtues, we find that our message resonates across races, religions, and rivalries. To build strong brands and businesses, we align with these strengths.
About Us
Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, our team of full-time editors and producers manages a large global team of content creators. We have produced over 100,000 pieces of content for hundreds of clients, on every continent in the world except one (we're looking at you, Antarctica).
Our award-winning team of writers, designers, videographers, developers, and data analysts all work together with a common purpose: making your communication better.
For the latest Media Shower news and to meet our leadership team, visit our LinkedIn page.
Get Better
We're a media company on a mission: to make you better.
Read the manifesto, or sign up at right to get a free trial.