Customer Journey Map Templates (+ Examples and Prompts)

If you’re a busy marketer looking for copy-and-paste customer journey map templates, we’ve got something even better. Our AI-powered Customer Journey Map Generator will help you draft a customer journey map, instantly and free.

How to Use our Customer Journey Map Generator

Just answer a few questions and we’ll draft a customer journey map, instantly and free. Remember: the more information you give it, the better your final customer journey map.

Transform this chat into finished marketing materials: click for a

More AI Prompts for Customer Journey Maps

Once you’ve drafted your customer journey map using the generator above, you can use these follow-up prompts to refine it further, until you’re thrilled with the final product.

  1. Identify touchpoints: Help me identify all the touchpoints a customer encounters throughout their journey.
  2. Improve tone and style: Rewrite this section to adopt a more formal/ playful/ professional tone.
  3. Define pain points: Suggest potential pain points that customers might encounter during their journeys.
  4. Enhance customer emotions: Provide suggestions on how to evoke specific emotions at each stage of the customer journey.
  5. Optimize content placement: Recommend where to place relevant content or information to improve customer engagement.
  6. Refine user interactions: Suggest ways to simplify or streamline customer interactions with our digital platforms.
  7. Personalize the experience: Propose methods to tailor the customer journey based on individual preferences or demographics.
  8. Address customer needs: Help me identify the specific needs that customers have at different stages of their journeys.
  9. Identify conversion opportunities: Highlight potential opportunities to convert customers at various touchpoints.
  10. Analyze customer feedback: Assist in analyzing customer feedback to identify areas of improvement or satisfaction.

Customer Journey Map Example

Company Name: InnovateTech Solutions
Mission Statement:Empowering Businesses Through Cutting-Edge Technology Solutions”


InnovateTech Solutions’ customer journey is designed to guide potential customers from initial awareness to long-term advocacy seamlessly. This journey aligns with the company’s mission to empower businesses with cutting-edge technology. Each stage is crafted to build trust, demonstrate expertise, and foster a relationship that evolves from mere awareness to active partnership and advocacy. This approach attracts clients and nurtures a lasting relationship, reflecting the company’s commitment to transforming visions into technological realities.

1. Awareness:

  • Touchpoint: Online Forums
  • Example: InnovateTech Solutions participates in a popular tech forum by sharing insights and solutions on trending technological challenges, sparking interest among forum members.
  • Customer Actions: Discovering InnovateTech Solutions and its unique tech solutions through engaging content and discussions.

 2. Consideration:

  • Touchpoint: Whitepapers
  • Example: A downloadable whitepaper on InnovateTech’s website detailing how their solutions have evolved over the past ten years and how they address current tech trends.
  • Customer Actions: Exploring the InnovateTech website, attending webinars to understand the unique value proposition, and reading whitepapers showcasing the ten years of expertise.

 3. Decision:

  • Touchpoint: Product Demos
  • Example: A live, interactive demo session where potential clients can experience the user interface and effectiveness of InnovateTech’s flagship product.
  • Customer Actions: Engaging with the experienced sales team, experiencing firsthand the strength of InnovateTech’s character in delivering tailored tech solutions.

 4. Purchase:

  • Touchpoint: Contract Signing
  • Example: A streamlined digital contract signing process, ensuring a smooth transition to the onboarding stage, reflecting professionalism and efficiency.
  • Customer Actions: Finalizing the deal and beginning the onboarding process, feeling a sense of trust and reliability in the partnership.

 5. Implementation:

  • Touchpoint: Training Sessions
  • Example: Customized training sessions for the client’s team, demonstrating how to integrate and use InnovateTech’s solutions effectively in daily operations.
  • Customer Actions: Implementing InnovateTech’s tech solutions into their business operations, guided by a supportive account manager, fostering a sense of teamwork.

6. Usage and Support:

  • Touchpoint: Customer Support Portal
  • Example: A 24/7 online support portal where clients can get instant help, access FAQs, and submit support tickets, ensuring continuous and reliable assistance.
  • Customer Actions: Utilizing tech solutions seamlessly in day-to-day operations, with the support of a reliable customer support system, embodying strengths like perseverance and teamwork.

7. Advocacy:

  • Touchpoint: Referral Programs
  • Example: An incentivized referral program where satisfied clients can refer InnovateTech Solutions to others and receive benefits, encouraging word-of-mouth promotion.
  • Customer Actions: Sharing positive experiences, becoming advocates for InnovateTech Solutions, demonstrating strengths such as kindness and social intelligence

10 Best Practices for Customer Journey Map Templates

  1. Clearly define the stages: Ensure your customer journey map includes distinct stages that reflect the customer’s progression from awareness to purchase and beyond.
  2. Use customer personas: Develop detailed customer personas to guide your map and better understand your target audience’s motivations, needs, and pain points.
  3. Include touchpoints: Identify and map out all the touchpoints your customers encounter, both online and offline, to understand the interactions and experiences of each stage.
  4. Incorporate emotions: Consider the emotional journey of your customers and identify opportunities to evoke positive emotions or address negative ones throughout their journeys.
  5. Validate with data: Back your customer journey map with data (like customer feedback, surveys, analytics, and user research) to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  6. Collaborate across teams: Involve stakeholders from different departments (including sales, customer support, and product development) to gain diverse perspectives and align strategies.
  7. Visualize the map: Present your customer journey map in a visual format that’s easy to understand and share, allowing for quick reference and collaboration.
  8. Iterate and update: Continuously refine and update your customer journey map based on new insights, changing customer behaviors, and evolving market dynamics.
  9. Test and validate assumptions: Validate your assumptions by conducting user testing or gathering feedback from real customers to ensure the accuracy and relevance of your map.
  10. Use as a strategic tool: Treat your customer journey map as a strategic tool to drive customer-centric decision making, improve experiences, and identify opportunities for growth.

girl looking through binoculars

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a customer journey map template, and how can it benefit my marketing strategy?

It’s a visual representation of the steps a customer takes when engaging with your brand, helping you understand their experiences, pain points, and needs. It benefits your marketing strategy by guiding customer-centric decision making, improving customer experiences, and boosting engagement and conversions.

How do I create an effective customer journey map template?

Start by defining customer personas, identifying touchpoints, mapping out stages, and incorporating emotions and pain points. Continuously iterate and refine the map based on user feedback and data analysis.

What are the essential components to include in a customer journey map template?

A comprehensive customer journey map template should include stages of the customer journey, customer emotions, goals, key actions at each stage, and relevant data and insights.

How often should I update my customer journey map template?

Do this regularly to reflect changes in customer behavior, market dynamics, and your business offerings. Aim for at least an annual review, but consider more frequent updates for rapidly evolving industries.

What role do customer personas play in creating customer journey map templates?

They help you understand your target audience’s characteristics, preferences, and pain points, allowing you to tailor experiences and align strategies accordingly.

Can customer journey map templates be used for different types of businesses?

Yes, customer journey map templates can be used across various industries and business types including B2B and B2C. While the specific touchpoints and stages may vary, the fundamental principles of understanding the customer experience remain consistent.

How can I gather the data needed to create an accurate customer journey map template?

Through methods like customer surveys, interviews, focus groups, website analytics, social media listening, and customer support interactions. Use a combination of quantitative and qualitative data for a comprehensive view.

Are there any tools or software available to help create customer journey map templates?

Yes, there are several. Names include Smaply, UXPressia, Canvanizer, and Miro. These tools provide pre-designed templates, collaboration features, and visualization options.

How can I ensure that my customer journey map template is actionable and impactful?

Involve cross-functional teams, align it with business objectives, validate assumptions through user testing and feedback, and use it as a strategic tool to drive customer-focused decisions and improvements.

10 Protips for Customer Journey Map Templates

  1. Customer Persona Development: Conduct thorough research to create detailed and accurate customer personas.
  2. Touchpoint Identification: Identify and include all touchpoints to create a holistic customer journey map.
  3. Emotional Journey Mapping: Map out key moments that evoke strong emotions to enhance the customer experience.
  4. Pain Point Analysis: Analyze customer pain points at each stage and devise effective solutions.
  5. Data-Driven Iteration: Use data and feedback to iteratively improve and refine your customer journey map.
  6. Collaborative Approach: Cross-functional collaboration. Involve stakeholders from different teams to gain diverse insights and create a comprehensive map.
  7. Visual Storytelling: Use visual elements to convey the customer journey effectively and engage stakeholders.
  8. Regular Updates: Regularly update your customer journey map to reflect changes in customer behavior and market dynamics and to stay current.
  9. Test and Validate Assumptions: Real-user validation. Test assumptions and gather feedback from actual customers to ensure accuracy.
  10. Actionable Insights: Ensure your customer journey map provides practical guidance for decision-making and improvements.

Media Shower can provide you with the tools you’ll need to positively influence a customer’s level of awareness. Contact us to learn more.