SWOT Analysis: Examples, Templates, & Prompts

If you’re a busy marketing manager, our comprehensive guide offers ready-to-use AI templates and prompts, top tips, and FAQs to help you with SWOT analysis. Plus, our AI-powered SWOT Analysis Assistant will help you build your own SWOT, instantly and free.

How to Use Our SWOT Analysis Assistant

Just answer a few questions about your marketing campaign, your business or product, and your target audience, and our AI-powered Assistant will draft a SWOT analysis for you.

Remember: the more information you give it, the better your SWOT will get. You can keep refining the SWOT until you’re happy with the results — then have it emailed to you, instantly and free.

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More AI Prompts for Your SWOT Analysis

Once you’ve drafted your SWOT analysis, here are some additional prompts you can use to polish and perfect it.

  1. Expand on strengths: Identify any additional strengths that could be leveraged to gain a competitive advantage.
  2. Overcome weaknesses: Suggest strategies to address and overcome the identified weaknesses.
  3. Find opportunities in emerging markets: Highlight potential opportunities in untapped or emerging markets and propose ways to capitalize on them.
  4. Mitigate threats: Propose effective measures to mitigate or minimize the impact of identified threats on the organization.
  5. Competitive analysis: Provide an analysis of the key competitors’ strengths and weaknesses and how they compare to our own.
  6. SWOT prioritization: Rank the identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in order of their significance and impact on the business.
  7. Find industry trends: Explore current industry trends and determine how they might influence the organization’s SWOT factors.
  8. Analyze customer perspectives: Consider the viewpoints of different customer segments and identify how their needs and preferences align with the organization’s SWOT factors.
  9. Innovation opportunities: Suggest innovative approaches or ideas that could leverage the organization’s strengths and exploit emerging opportunities.
  10. Long-term sustainability: Assess the long-term sustainability of the identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and recommend strategies to ensure continued growth and competitiveness.

10 Best Practices for SWOT Analysis

  1. Focus on key factors: Prioritize the most significant strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that have the greatest impact on your organization’s strategy and goals.
  2. Involve cross-functional teams: Gather inputs from different departments and stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive and diverse perspective during the analysis.
  3. Conduct external research: Gather market intelligence, competitor analysis, and industry trends to assess opportunities and threats accurately.
  4. Be realistic and unbiased: Evaluate strengths and weaknesses objectively, considering both internal capabilities and external factors without exaggeration or downplaying.
  5. Seek diverse viewpoints: Encourage open discussions and different perspectives to uncover hidden insights and challenge assumptions.
  6. Update regularly: Periodically update your SWOT analysis to account for changing market dynamics, new competitors, and evolving customer needs.
  7. Use quantitative data: Support your SWOT analysis with relevant data and metrics to enhance credibility and facilitate informed decision-making.
  8. Identify actionable insights: Translate your SWOT findings into concrete actions and strategies that can be implemented to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate weaknesses.
  9. Consider future trends: Anticipate future market trends and potential disruptors to identify new opportunities and proactively address emerging threats.
  10. Communicate and align: Ensure effective communication of the SWOT analysis findings across the organization to align teams and foster a shared understanding of strategic priorities.

man looking through binoculars

10 Frequently Asked Questions About SWOT Analysis

What is SWOT analysis?
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps organizations assess their internal strengths and weaknesses (and external opportunities and threats) to make informed business decisions.

How do I conduct a SWOT analysis?
To conduct SWOT analysis, gather a cross-functional team, identify internal strengths and weaknesses, evaluate external opportunities and threats, and analyze the findings to develop actionable strategies.

What are the benefits of SWOT analysis?
SWOT analysis provides valuable insights into an organization’s current position, helps identify competitive advantages, uncovers growth opportunities, and facilitates effective strategic planning.

What are the strengths and opportunities in SWOT analysis?
Strengths refer to internal capabilities and resources that give an organization a competitive advantage. Opportunities are external factors or market conditions that can be leveraged for growth or improvement.

How can I identify weaknesses during a SWOT analysis?
Assess internal aspects like organizational limitations, skill gaps, outdated technology, or areas where competitors outperform your organization.

What are the common challenges of doing a SWOT analysis?
They include biased or incomplete data, overlooking emerging trends, failing to prioritize factors, and a lack of alignment among stakeholders.

How often should I perform a SWOT analysis?
Perform a SWOT analysis at regular intervals (i.e., annually or biannually) to stay updated on changing market dynamics and ensure strategic alignment.

Can SWOT analysis be used for individual projects or only for organizations?
SWOT analysis can be applied to individual projects, products, or services to evaluate their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in relation to specific goals and objectives.

What role does SWOT analysis play in marketing strategy?
SWOT analysis provides crucial inputs for developing marketing strategies by identifying unique selling propositions, understanding customer needs, assessing market opportunities, and addressing competitive challenges.

How can I effectively use the results of a SWOT analysis?
Translate them into actionable plans, set priorities, allocate resources, and monitor progress to drive business growth and adapt to changing market conditions.

10 Pro Tips for SWOT Analysis

  1. Identify strengths: Focus on unique strengths that set your organization apart from competitors. Capitalize on expertise by identifying and highlighting areas of specialized knowledge or skills that can be helpful in the market.
  2. Test weaknesses: Address skill gaps, then invest in training and development programs to enhance the areas where your organization lacks expertise. Mitigate weaknesses by partnering with others to compensate for those weaknesses.
  3. Assess opportunities: Monitor market trends continuously  to seize new opportunities as they arise. Encourage a culture of experimentation to identify and capitalize on untapped opportunities.
  4. Analyze threats: Closely monitor competitors’ strategies and actions to counter potential threats proactively. Diversify your product portfolio and distribution channels to reduce vulnerability to specific threats.
  5. Prioritize SWOT factors: Focus on high-impact factors. Allocate resources to address your SWOT analysis’s most significant and influential elements. Consider immediate gains and sustainable strategies when prioritizing SWOT factors.
  6. Incorporate data and metrics: Use relevant metrics for objective insights and strengthen decision-making. Establish and track KPIs aligned with your SWOT factors to measure progress and adapt strategies.
  7. Engage cross-functional teams: Involve representatives from different departments to gain diverse perspectives. Encourage open discussions to generate creative ideas and innovative solutions during analysis.
  8. Stay current: Keep your SWOT analysis up-to-date by regularly incorporating new information. Treat SWOT analysis as an ongoing process of enhancement, improving effectiveness and relevance.
  9. Integrate SWOT analysis into your marketing strategy: Convert SWOT findings into actionable strategies aligned with business objectives and goals. Ensure clear and effective communication of outcomes to drive alignment and commitment.
  10. Seek external perspectives: Consider seeking external insights to gain fresh perspectives and challenge internal assumptions during the SWOT analysis. Obtain customer feedback and insights to enrich your SWOT analysis, particularly when assessing market opportunities and customer needs.

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