Just a few weeks ago, the Internet was filled with articles, videos, and memes (oh my!) about the 1980s film trilogy Back To the Future. Everyone was celebrating October 21st, 2015, the day Marty McFly goes to the future in the second film.

Looks it’s time for more marketing like this!
Fans and brands alike spent the posting content about the movie. There were countless articles discussing what predictions Back to the Future II got right about October 21st, 2015. Pepsi released a limited edition “Pepsi Perfect” drink, the soda Marty gets at a diner when he arrives in the future. AMC theaters showed all three films on the big screen. Even the Cubs tried to make the predicted World Series win a reality, but some things will always remain fiction.
Part of the reason Back To The Future Day got so much attention is because it was a one-day event 30 years in the making. But there are plenty of pop-culture events brands can use to take part in a cultural phenomenon. Here are some ideas for future opportunities for Back-to-the-Future-style marketing.
Star Wars: The Brands Awaken
It’s tough to think about a single movie getting as much as hype as the Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the upcoming addition to the Star Wars franchise. Brands can and should get aboard this hype train. Already in September we saw several stores such as Target participate in”Force Friday,” the first day in which new toys and products related to the film were released. The movie comes out in December, so people have plenty of time to plan Star-Wars related content between now and then.

This’ll probably make a few bucks at the box office.
Every time a new trailer or bit of information is released, the Internet goes wild. The film will no doubt be trending on Dec 18th, so brands posting Star Wars content can use this topic to get themselves seen by many. This is the first Star Wars movie in over 10 years, so it will be introducing a whole generation of new fans, which means Star Wars content will likely be relevant for a long time. Plus there is always the unofficial “Star Wars Day” every year on May 4th. May the Fourth be with you.
Dates Mentioned in Movies
Sure, October 21st, 2015, is a very specific date, but there are plenty of dates and holidays mentioned in movies that often result in memes or pop-culture related content being celebrated on those days. Take for example October 3rd, which most millennials know as “Mean Girls Day.” In the now-classic movie Mean Girls, Lindsay Lohan’s character mentions that on October 3rd, the boy she crushes on asks her what day it is. “It’s October 3rd” basically became the “Merry Christmas” of Mean Girls fans. So, on October 3rd, you can find countless Mean Girls related content on the web.
Another example of a significant movie date is a Groundhog’s Day, February 2nd. This minor holiday may be notable because of its furry mascot, but it’s also a great day to celebrate the classic Bill Murray movie. There’s several movies that take place on actual holidays or just specific days, and you can always find a surge of pop-culture content on these dates.
Don’t Forget the Anniversaries
Films and television shows often come back into the public eye on the anniversary of their release or finale. Keep track of what upcoming anniversaries you might be able to capitalize on for your brand and plan your content ahead of time, so you’ll be prepared.
The Disney Vault
After several years in the “Disney Vault,” Disney re-releases their classic animated films on DVD and Blu-ray for a limited time. After this limited time, the film goes back into the vault and you can’t purchase it for another several years. This keeps up demand for a new generation of Disney watchers. Whenever a film is re-released, there is a new slew of related products related to film and these classic films return to public consciousness in a big day. Although Disney-related nostalgia is already great fodder for content, you are even better off if you can tie your content to certain movies while they are out of the vault.
If you missed the opportunity to spread brand awareness while celebrating Back to the Future, you don’t need a DeLorean to go back in time to craft the perfect tweet. Instead, focus on what upcoming pop culture events you might be able to capitalize on.
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