Media Shower writer Holly Riley is well-known for her work in technology, health, and food. You can follow her work on her website.
Whether a seasoned author or a high school journalism student, all writers encounter writer’s block at some point in their careers. Writer’s block can be similar to that one cousin at a family reunion: annoying, suffocating and, alas, unavoidable. Experts in the field of writer’s block have offered up suggestions ranging from freestyle writing exercises to talking to imaginary friends. (Yeah, you read that right. Imaginary. Friends.) However, proven or bizarre, those theories have only succeeded in establishing what writers have always known; there is no one way to cure writer’s block. Writing is such a personal exercise, it stands to reason that seeking inspiration is too. Here are three unconventional ways to kick writer’s block to the curb and reconnect with your muse:

I’ve got the music in me.
1. Turn Up the Music.
Pump up the volume! Getting lost in a favorite song has the ability to heal all wrongs. Create a playlist or two containing your favorite jams, slip on some headphones and close your eyes for a few minutes. Try focusing on the story in the melody and see if you can visualize it in your mind’s eye. If you know the song by heart, hum or sing along. After a few minutes, open your eyes and try to fill up that blank page with whatever strikes your fancy.

Hit the road, Jack!
2. Move your Body.
Many times, a stagnant body can cause inspiration to fade. In fact, the philosopher and author Henry Thoreau claimed that his thoughts began to flow ‘the moment my legs began to move.’ So, take your dog for a walk. Go for a run. Ride a bike. If you’re stuck inside due to bad weather, do some jumping jacks or put on a workout DVD. Sometimes the best way to stimulate the mind is to get the blood flowing. Many writers feel that regular exercise helps them to stay in touch with their Muse. This method has the added benefit of a trimmer waistband for you.

The rest is still unwritten.
3. Read a Book
This sounds too easy to be true, right? The truth is getting lost in another world of someone else’s making can put you and your muse on speaking terms again. Joseph Addison once said, “Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body”. It doesn’t have to be a book necessarily, if that’s not your thing. Read a paper or surf the web. It doesn’t really matter as long as you surround yourself with the written word. You’ll be amazed how one small word can trigger an avalanche of inspiration.
Look, writing is hard work. There’s no question about that. It can be even harder if you choose to accept Writer’s Block. It may be unavoidable, but you don’t have to accept it. Choose to not to become a tortured artist and be proactive with skills. Take a few risks and experiment. Find the workflow that works best for you. Whether it be crazy or mundane. Write where ever and when ever you like. And remember, have fun with it.
In the end, your muse will thank you for it.
Try looking at our success stories for some additional inspiration.