Product Name Idea Generator (Free Online Tool)

A good product name can make or break a product launch. Busy marketing managers often look for ways to streamline this process without sacrificing creativity.

Here, we introduce Media Shower’s AI prompts that will allow you to generate effective product names–your ultimate tool to save time and unleash creativity!

How to Use Our Product Name Generator

Answer a few questions, and our AI-powered assistant will create good product names in just a few minutes. Remember: The more information you give, the better your product names get.

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AI Prompts for Product Name Generation

We believe in blending AI expertise and human creativity. By leveraging tools like ChatGPT, you can speed up your product name-generation process. Here are some additional prompts you can use in ChatGPT to improve the names of your products:

  • To enhance emotional appeal: Suggest names that evoke excitement, trust, or nostalgia.
  • To expand cultural relevance: Incorporate elements that resonate with specific global cultures or regions.
  • To simplify and/or improve memorability: Shorten the name without losing its impact and memorability.
  • To increase semantic accuracy: Ensure the name aligns semantically with the essence of the product or service.
  • To focus on a target audience: Create names tailored to appeal to different demographic segments.
  • To check for unique domain availability: Check and suggest names with available domains to ease online branding.
  • To incorporate competitive analysis: Incorporate language and tone that stands out from competitors in the industry.
  • To ensure cross-platform adaptability: Generate names that suit both digital and traditional marketing channels.
  • To play with puns and wordplay: Explore puns and creative word combinations to inject humor and intrigue.
  • To improve cultural sensitivity: Rewrite names to avoid unintentional cultural misappropriation or insensitivity.

Examples of Notable Product Names and Why They Work

There are many great brand names out there, and clever marketers have carefully considered selecting a name that reflects their business, speaks to their target audience, and is memorable. The good news is that with AI name generators, you don’t need a marketing degree to create impactful names yourself!

Here are a few examples of brands that have nailed it.

Example: Reddit

reddit logo

Reddit, one of the fastest-growing websites around, is an excellent example of a product name that directly speaks to its audience and is memorable. It’s a clever combination of the words ‘read it’, or ‘read it online’. Also, ‘reddit’ in Spanish means ‘redactor,’ or someone who puts text into an appropriate form.

It’s also reasonably catchy, and red is often associated with one that encourages buyers to take action and make a purchase.

Example: Kodak

kodak logo

This is an interesting one that is more about how the name sounds rather than any words that it’s a combination of. The founder of Kodak, George Eastman, settled on this word as the product name as he liked the letter ‘K.’ More importantly, though, is that the two ‘K’s’ make a clicking sound once spoken. Does that make you think of something relevant here? You guessed it, the sound of a traditional camera shutter.

While cameras have advanced past the old shutter mechanics, the sound still lingers. Even on the most advanced digital cameras and phones, you’ll hear this sound (now being digital audio) when taking a photo. It’s a clever name that has become somewhat timeless.

Example: Tesla

Tesla logo

The electric car company Tesla picked the most appropriate and eye-catching name it could.

Tesla, one of the most renowned brand names in the world, was named after Nikola Tesla, who invented the AC power transmission system and induction motor. It’s a clever name if you think about it. Nikola Tesla focused not only on power and induction but also on the concept of invention. To align a brand to this type of thinking is quite smart. It’s a catchy name with only five letters. It’s not easy to forget.

Example: LEGO

lego logo

This fun and memorable four-letter product name is well-known in homes around the world. For many, LEGO was a core part of their childhood and is hard to forget. It’s more than just four letters thrown together, though. It comes from the two Danish words ‘Leg Godt’, which means ‘play well’.

It’s a great way of taking another language and creating a timeless name that is short and snappy. It’s also clever from a marketing or branding perspective, as placing this name on any LEGO product is easy. Heck, you can even spell the name LEGO with the product itself!

AI Prompt Examples

As you can see, with some quick work, you can create product names that will be hard to forget and have real meaning. Using our generator, we came up with the following names just by answering a few simple questions.

Single-Word Evocative Names:

  1. AdMien: A sophisticated blend suggesting a “demeanor” of advertisements, evoking confidence and quality without any restroom humor.

Compound Words:

  1. InfoPortal: Implying that the door is an entryway to information and advertising within a confined, personal space.
  2. PromoGate: Combining the idea of promotion with the gateway concept, implying a passage to discovery.

Names Related to Your Product/Industry with a Professional Touch:

  1. ScreenEntry: Directly describing the uniqueness of your product, and easy for businesses to remember.
  2. PixelDoor: Highlighting the digital aspect with ‘Pixel’, and the core product ‘Door’, keeping it professional and quality-oriented.

From here, we could refine the names further by adding additional prompts if we felt they were not worth considering. That said, we liked the PixelDoor option as it comes across as modern and clearly states what the product is.

10 Best Practices for Product Names

The name you finally select for your product is one you’ll have to be comfortable with for a long time. Once you put your product out there changing the name would mean starting all your marketing and branding again once you put your product out there.

The good news is that you don’t need to research these best practices, as we’ve done the work for you.

  1. Clearly define your brand identity and audience: A product name is directly linked to its identity, so set out your specific brand attributes and target audience. A great example here is the brand ‘Lyft.’
  2. Remember that first impressions last: Your product name is often the first impression, so making a good one is essential. Patagonia is one brand to think about here. If you can use a name that tells a story, you can connect with your audience on a whole new level.
  3. Memorability and recall: You want your product name stuck in your audience’s head, right? Then, create one that does precisely that. Make sure it’s a catchy name that is memorable and easy to recall. Often, simplicity is key here. Don’t overcomplicate a name when a few letters will do. 3M is a great example.
  4. Have you considered trademark availability? In many cases, products with great names must be pulled off the shelves due to legal issues around trademarks. Ensure you verify the availability of trademarks for the name you’ve generated.
  5. Can you get a domain with your product name? While a trademark is essential, so is finding a domain for your product. As with our point of recall above, you want to secure a domain that is as per the name of your product so that if someone searches for it they find your website. Always check the availability of domains that are linked to your product name.
  6. Test your name with a focus group: While you may feel your name is the best thing since sliced bread, what do other people think? Get feedback from focus groups or a significant portion of your audience to see if it resonates with them.
  7. Don’t be afraid to be unusual: Avoid typical clichés that are distinct, unique, and stand out. There are plenty of tools online to search for name popularity. Consider combining words (see our LEGO example above) or using a name that echoes how that product makes you feel. If you can create an emotive connection, you’ll have a name that is hard to forget.
  8. Think long term: Don’t create a name that may only catch consumers’ attention for a short period (something linked to a specific time or event, for example)
  9. Think beyond your borders or understanding: If not appropriately researched, there is a risk of creating a name that could unintentionally upset a group of people. If you do this, you’ve lost an entire audience. Think about cultural insensitivity, translations of the word, and how it may be perceived globally.
  10. Consider an acronym: If your product is fairly specific, placing it under a single banner may be difficult. The same applies if multiple people found it and you all want to be included in the product name. If this is the case, consider using an acronym for the product or what it stands for. Great examples here are KFC, IKEA, and ESPN.

Elevate your marketing materials with Media Shower’s winning formula for effective product naming – contact us to help you name and market your product!