If you are one of the fabulous writers whose work graces the blogs of Media Shower clients, you are well aware of how the process of receiving orders works … until now.

For some years now, Media Shower’s hard-working editorial staff has been churning out great ideas for client blogs, coordinating cohesive marketing strategies, and generally greasing the wheels of the creative process for everyone involved. Sharp-eyed and quick-witted, these editors are doing a great job of keeping clients happy and writers engaged in wonderfully creative endeavors.

So, why is there change in the wind at Media Shower? What new and exciting prospects lie before you?

The answer, of course, is the prospect of flexing your artistic muscle by pitching stories to Media Shower editors.

Just wind up and let er’ rip.

Why the Evolution?

While the current process of generating ideas for blog posts is wonderfully effective, the reality is that constant evolution provides a creative spark to the process.

For instance, have you ever received an assignment from an editor and thought that you would prefer to write a different slant on the story idea? Have you ever looked through the blogs posted by a Media Shower client and had a killer idea for a post that would knock that client’s socks off?

If so, now is your chance to write the posts of your dreams. The beauty of the creative process is that it can be both collaborative and a highly personal process. Requesting pitch ideas from the creative minds of Media Shower writers will invigorate the content marketing process in new and exciting ways for everyone involved.

Why Pitching is Good for You

Pitching allows you to express your creative talents in an expanded way. Rather than simply fulfilling requests from the minds of editors, you can add your unique talents to the mix, pitching ideas that will provide greater depth and richness to the blog content of Media Shower clients.

Pitching also provides greater opportunity to write about the things you enjoy. Showcasing your expertise through pitching will likely expand your client base and let your editors know about additional talents you bring to the table.

Pitching may also pad your pockets. Do you have an idea for a 1,000-word blog that will wow a particular client? Your pitch can include a suggestion for an increased fee to correspond with your increased word count.

The possibilities do not end there. If you have the means and the desire to promote your work, the pitching platform is designed to reward that promotion with a bonus.

Why Pitching is Good for Media Shower Clients

Sharing your great ideas with editors helps them more fully satisfy clients. The more creative minds collaborate, the more great idea generation occurs. Creativity feeds on creativity. One idea sparks another, and Media Shower clients become the beneficiaries of that process.

How to Pitch-The Windup

If you are itching to try the new process, simply visit Pitch Requests to see which clients are in need of pitches.

Once there, follow many of the same procedures you would normally take when receiving an assignment. Take a few minutes to review the marketing overview for the client, the list of targeted keywords, and listen to the kickoff call to get a feel for the client’s preferences and needs.

Check out the helpful blog “How to Write a Good Article Pitch” to get a general idea of the things that each pitch should include. For additional tips, Hubspot’s “How to Make Your PR Pitch Stand Out in Crowded Inboxes” offers some suggestions that can easily be adapted to pitching for Media Shower clients.

In general, your pitch should read much like an assignment you receive from Media Shower. A basic overview of the assignment topic and slant of the article should feature prominently in your pitch. The idea is to clearly and concisely convey what your article will entail.

Include the keywords and source material you intend to use, so that your editor can clearly understand where you are headed with the idea.

What Happens After You Pitch-The Catcher’s Job

Once your pitch is received, it is time for Media Shower editors to take a look at what you have done. If your pitch meets a client need, you will receive an assignment to actually complete the article. This assignment will arrive in the normal way all assignments arrive, via email.

Once the pitch is accepted, everything else about the assignment follows the normal procedure as set out in the Media Shower training manual.

The beauty of the pitching system is that you can both pitch and hit when your pitch is accepted!

Hitting It Out of the Park

Media Shower is pleased to offer this expanded opportunity to its writers. It is hoped that as you become more familiar with the pitching process, you will enjoy all the benefits of spreading your artistic wings in this new way.

As always, the goal is to fully satisfy clients with engaging, exciting, and beautifully executed content that will draw visitors to client websites and bolster overall marketing efforts. So, warm up your pitching arm, take a little refresher course at the Content Marketing Academy, and prepare for articles that will knock it out of the park every time.