Bed Bath & Beyond: The Great Marketing Turnaround
Find out how a retail chain like Bed Bath & Beyond is using great marketing to try and turn itself around after nearly failing.
Robert Cialdini Communicates the Power and Principles of Persuasion
Robert Cialdini is known as the “Godfather of Influence” after writing a bestselling book on the topic of persuasion.
No Trick: Spirit Halloween’s Marketing Has Given Customers 40 Years of Treats
Spirit Halloween has been around for 40 years, building one of America’s leading retailers for all things spooky and fun.
Simon Sinek Communicates Optimism, Trust, and the Power of “Why”
Simon Sinek started out as an advertising copywriter. He started his own agency in 2002 and reinvented himself as an author and speaker because his passions became about teaching people to find their “why,” inspiring them to believe their dreams were within reach.
John Deere’s Marketing Has Brought Paradise and Prosperity to Farmers
When people think of John Deere, they think of green tractors and farming equipment.
Jackson Vs. Presley: Two Artists Communicate Through Music and “Strike Chords” with Fans
Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley were two of the world’s biggest pop stars. Each used music to communicate to their fans and to the world, but their strategies and styles were very different.
Hulu’s Marketing Has Introduced Affordable Television for Everyone
When Hulu first entered the market, it turned the television industry on its head by creating a product that was affordable, entertaining, and easy to use.
Pacino Vs. De Niro: Who’s the Better Communicator?
Robert De Niro and Al Pacino are widely considered to be two of Hollywood’s finest and best-known actors, yet their styles in communication and presentation couldn’t be more different.
How Tesla’s Marketing Has Built an Auto Empire (Without TV Ads)
In today’s market, where consumers are constantly bombarded with marketing messages, it can be difficult for businesses to create a genuine connection with customers.
Paxful’s Marketing Has Made It the Leader of Peer-to-Peer Bitcoin Trading
Paxful focuses exclusively on bitcoin and gets the word out through social media.