“A Day That Will Live in Infamy”: Inside FDR’s Famous Speech

Roosevelt’s “Day of Infamy” speech showcased powerful communication techniques to convey America’s dire situation after the Pearl Harbor attack.

Building Your Newsletter Subscription List: 8 Best Practices

At Media Shower, we’ve worked with clients on thousands of email newsletters.

“Today, We Celebrate Our Independence Day”: Why a Cheesy Sci-Fi Movie Speech Still Works

President Thomas J. Whitmore, played by Bill Pullman, gave a passionate speech in the movie Independence Day that inspired the world to fight alien invaders.

“Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You”: Inside JFK’s Iconic Speech

The JFK inaugural speech has been remembered for 60 years because of the asking for Americans to think about how they can serve their country, rather than be served by it.

“I Am Prepared to Die”: Nelson Mandela Communicates Everlasting Devotion to Equality

Nelson Mandela was a powerful communicator who helped change a nation and bring about racial equality because of his genuine commitment and willingness to sacrifice his life.

Email Marketing: 5 Tips to Increase Open Rates

At Media Shower, we’ve done thousands of email campaigns for successful clients.

They’ll Never Take Our Freedom! Inside the Famous Speech from “Braveheart”

 The William Wallace speech in Braveheart, while fictional, was powerful for many reasons.

Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address: How Powerful Communication Liberated a Country

Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address may have been written on the train as he traveled there, but it’s had staying power few presidential speeches have ever experienced.

The Marketer’s Crash Course to the Metaverse

The Metaverse is expected to expand over the next few years, with most people spending significant time in this “second reality” as soon as 2026.

Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream”: The Speech that Changed the World

Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech has reached iconic status as a turning point in U.S. civil rights.