5 Astonishingly Powerful SEO Metrics You Need to Track

At Media Shower, we invented SEO.

“Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!” The Speech That Birthed America

Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech changed the minds of enough Virginians that they had county militias ready to fight when the British attacked.

“We Shall Never Surrender”: How Winston Churchill Communicated Courage

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s “We Shall Never Surrender” speech helped his people understand both how hard World War II would be and to inspire them to fight until the end.

Best Practices for B2B Content Marketing Funnels

Creating the right content for each stage of the funnel is essential for successful lead generation and the customer journey.

A Light at the End of the Tunnel: Behind The “Hope” Speech from The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption showed the necessity of hope in people’s lives, even in the darkest times. 

The Communication Secrets of Jesus

The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most widely-quoted sections of the Gospels.

“A Day That Will Live in Infamy”: Inside FDR’s Famous Speech

Roosevelt’s “Day of Infamy” speech showcased powerful communication techniques to convey America’s dire situation after the Pearl Harbor attack.

Building Your Newsletter Subscription List: 8 Best Practices

At Media Shower, we’ve worked with clients on thousands of email newsletters.

“Today, We Celebrate Our Independence Day”: Why a Cheesy Sci-Fi Movie Speech Still Works

President Thomas J. Whitmore, played by Bill Pullman, gave a passionate speech in the movie Independence Day that inspired the world to fight alien invaders.

“Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You”: Inside JFK’s Iconic Speech

The JFK inaugural speech has been remembered for 60 years because of the asking for Americans to think about how they can serve their country, rather than be served by it.