man in shower

By all means, sing in the shower, but seek out a platform to share what you do with others as well.

You’ve created a piece that you’re proud of. This content really shows the world what your business does, how you’re different from other companies, and what you have to offer your leads. You not only value what’s in your latest blog post, but you think that you put it all rather eloquently. So what do you do with this piece? Why you place it on your website like all of the other content you’ve created. You wouldn’t want to brag, now, would you?

You Must Follow Through

A talented singer may choose to sing only in the shower. However, singing in the shower won’t get you signed by a label. To do that, you need to create a piece you’re proud of and share it with the world.

Without effective content promotion, you may be singing to an audience of one: you. If you develop content that’s valuable to your readers, promoting your content isn’t about bragging or being pushy. It’s about helping your leads find a gem that’s valuable to them. That’s how inbound marketing works. You develop content that provides new insight to your readers, and your readers feel the desire to connect with your business now or in the future and share it with others.

How to Start the Promotion Process

While viral content with strong SEO can draw readers in naturally, if you don’t promote your content, you’re missing out on an opportunity to start this ball rolling. After all, the more shares you get and the more links that people make to your site, the more of a draw your content becomes. The first step in content promotion is a visit to your local Facebook, Twitter, or other social media page. Let readers know that you’ve published content. Engage them in discussion about themes that are relevant to your content, and direct them back to your content as a resource.

Working With Key Players

As you start to promote your content on social media, look for those in your field who can help your piece reach a larger audience. If you’re selling vehicles, this could be anyone from a community member who reviews local businesses to an auto industry expert who has comments about your latest piece on how industry changes will impact the local consumer. Your job is to find out who’s a key player or thought leader that your leads follow. Reach out to those people and encourage them to share what you’ve created.

a gift

Your content isn’t just self-promotion: make it a gift to your audience.

Be a Guest

Guest posting is another way to out your content in the minds of a new group of readers. Find those in your industry who are creating content, and offer them a piece that links to other, related pieces on your site. Be sure to consider the needs of your contact’s audience; you want to be highly relevant to their needs but find the intersection where you can provide strong, unique value to that audience.

Send a Note

You’ve used past content to draw in your readers to your email list. They want more of the value you’ve given them in the past. Use that list to offer them more information. While you can mention new products in your content, make sure that what you offer is a valuable resource, not simply advertising. Promote your content to your readers through the email channels that you use to communicate with them, and remember to add social share buttons so that your readers can visit your site, get inspired, and mention what you do.

At Media Shower, we’re not only here to create content. We take your content from the idea stage to promotion, making sure that you have content that speaks to your readers’ needs and reaches out to those leads, ensuring that they read what you write. Are you curious to see how our content strategies work for your company? Create an account and order three free content ideas today.