Archive for March, 2020

One money for one world. If the Coronavirus has taught us anything, it’s that we’re one human species. The virus doesn’t see national boundaries. The virus doesn’t see skin color or religion or socioeconomic class. The virus sees one human host. To defeat the virus, we’ve got to think like a virus. On a practical level, thatRead More…

One word: triage. In medical settings, of course, triage is a way of prioritizing medical care to those who need it most — as they’re doing right now in New York, converting the Javits Convention Center into an enormous makeshift hospital. Because of the severe shortage of respirators, face masks, and other PPE supplies, we will beRead More…

TL;DR: Put together a webinar in record time by recording a Zoom meeting, then saving the video to YouTube.   Traditionally, webinars have been carefully planned, publicized, and produced — but in these fast-moving days, nobody’s got time for that. Enter the “Wing-It Webinar.” The quick version is: Invite a bunch of people to yourRead More…

TL;DR: Our new training webinar for Coronavirus Communication in healthcare is here. How do healthcare organizations communicate about COVID-19? It’s tricky, because the principles of healthcare can be difficult to turn into effective communication. How do we reconcile the Hippocratic oath (“first, do no harm”) with the marketer’s oath (“simplify the message”)? As a simple example,Read More…

A post on Reddit this morning asked, “When did COVID-19 get real for you?” For most people, Coronavirus is still not “real.” If anything, it’s surreal. We’ve all been thrown into the deep end of this incredibly weird pool, and the water is freezing cold. We’re trying to keep breathing and stay afloat. Meanwhile, theRead More…

In my book Blockchain For Everyone (now a bestseller), I outlined a simple method for investing in digital assets without breaking the bank. If you’re still watching from the sidelines, the new year is a great time to get invested — and to review the results of our investing strategy so far. The basic ideaRead More…

Communication Can Save Lives For years, we’ve said to each other, particularly after a bad day, “Well, at least lives aren’t at stake.” But today, lives ARE at stake. When we communicate well about COVID-19, we help slow the spread of the virus and ease the burden on our healthcare system, which literally saves lives.Read More…

This isn’t the first time humans have faced a pandemic. Fortunately, many smart people have spent many years putting together best practices on how to communicate to the public. We’ve pulled together their recommendations into these  quick tips  that you can share with your team. Think of this as your  communication playbook , suitable for marketers, communication professionals, andRead More…

Today we’re proud to introduce THE HEALTH AND WEALTH PORTFOLIO. It’s four companies that we think will do exceptionally well in the coming years, in the aftermath of COVID-19. In brief, these four companies are The Clorox Company (CLX), (AMZN), Zoom Video Communications (ZM), and Netflix, Inc. (NFLX). We’re all about blockchain investing, notRead More…

One of the many hats I wear is serving as a board member of the Boston Blockchain Association. This is an industry group that is dedicated to creating a healthy blockchain ecosystem — first in Boston, then the world. It’s hard to do blockchain in a vacuum. Even though it’s a technology, all the real workRead More…