Writing for the web is writing for people who do not want to read your content. Yes, you heard that right. The multitude of people sitting in front of computers searching the web for ways to make their lives easier do not want to read. They want to scan! Multiple scientific studies show web readers usually do not read articles in their entirety.

For example, Jakob Nielsen’s 2008 study on eye-tracking indicated people read about 20 percent of text content on the average web page. It is true that people read differently on the web, compared to reading print material. This means people read slower and only let their eyes focus on areas that stick out to them.

You may be wondering how so much writing could go unread, especially if you are new to content marketing. Besides, you have something important to say to readers, right? This is definitely a hard pill to swallow. Yet it is a pill worth swallowing for successfully driving traffic to your content.

What interesting posts will I scan on the Media Shower Blog today?

The Best Content for the Web

Creatively sharing an important message that interests readers while using the least amount of words possible makes for the best web content. You need to take massive amounts of information and condense it all into web-sized chunks people can easily digest. This involves every aspect of writing from the complexity of each word you use to the tone of your entire article.

Furthermore, you should share an informative and beneficial message. It needs to complement the product or service you are trying to sell to your readers. Turn your readers into paying customers with it.

Writing for Different Web Mediums

The writing process becomes more complicated when using different mediums. By taking advantage of them, you can expand your audience and increase sales. Understanding what kind of content works best for different mediums is crucial.

Certain ones need subjective content in a conversational tone. This blog is filled with awesome examples. Other ones need cold, hard facts with no voiced opinions. Scientific news journals perfectly show this. Engaging in multimedia writing involves agility and medium-specific wisdom.

Know your audience in order to know how to write for different mediums.

A Sound Philosophy for Content Marketing

Of course, you need a sound philosophy to exercise the writing tips. Indeed, there are certain principles you need to apply to make your experience fruitful. Be inspired by my writing philosophy outlined below:

  • Be a people reader. Know the audience you are writing for. Understand the various demographics that make up your readers. Factoring in things like gender, age, education level, country of residence, and cultural values are important for consideration. This will help you craft content specifically for them. Also, this allows you to connect with them in a meaningful way without sounding aloof or distant.
  • Be a problem solver. As mentioned before, people search the web to find ways to meet their needs. Knowing how to meet the needs of your audience is as important as knowing who they are. Comprehend the kinds of problems they face. Write about effective ways they can overcome them. Write from angles they can relate to, giving them the push they need to put your advice to good use.
  • Be a storyteller. Writing for the web without telling a story means sharing lifeless content. This is why effective storytelling is an essential element of web copy. A good story helps you draw the reader in close as they admire your fresh and colorful imagination. It increases your chance of keeping the reader actively interested in what you have written. They may be on the lookout for more content written by you because of it.
  • Be ethical. Even though this principle appears to be a no-brainer, many writers have damaged their credibility by doing otherwise. This is the most important value you should keep in mind. One should always convey information that does not harm or offend one’s readers. Practicing a truthful and fair writing style is key. It will give your audience a largely significant reason to trust you.
  • Be a lifelong learner. Yes, be a lifelong (for as long as you market content) learner of the web. Keep your eyes and ears open for current and upcoming trends. Educate yourself about the ever-changing interests of your audience. This will aid you in creating up-to-date content that meets your readers halfway. Remaining open-minded to changes in your industry will enable you to keep your creative juices flowing.

There is no doubt these tips can empower you to unlock your awesomeness as a content marketer. For more information on how to write for the web, access our Content Marketing Academy.