Want to learn how to maximize your Google+ efforts and generate a larger following? Seek out the most popular Google+ users and follow their lead. We’ve simplified the seeking process with this list of 8 of the top Google+ authors we could think of. Circled by anywhere from 1 to 8 million users, these authors know a thing or two or a thousand about the second-largest social networking site in the world.
1. Larry Page
As the co-founder of Google, Larry Page surely has great posts to share with you regarding the online conglomerate’s latest happenings. Not surprising, his posts are centered on gadget chats, online developments and other tech talk. Join more than 7.8 million Google+ users and add him to your circles.
2. Trey Ratcliff
For all the photography fans out there, add Trey Ratcliff to your circles. He’s a New Zealander and his Google+ posts are typically centered on his passion for photography. His travel shots and stories are also detailed on his site, StuckinCustoms.com, along with camera reviews, travel guides, and tips to help people find themselves through the creation of art. He’s in the circles of nearly 7 million Google+ users.
3. Felicia Day
On her Google+ profile page, Felicia Day describes herself as an actress, new media geek, gamer and misanthrope. This popular web actress is followed by more than 5.5 million Google+ users and her posts include everything from quirky updates to gamer speak.
4. MG Siegler
Circled by 1.7 million Google+ users, MG Siegler works at Google Ventures and is a self-proclaimed venture capitalist. His latest string of posts includes a blend of spot motion-inspired videos, tech talk and various reviews.
5. Veronica Belmont
Veronica Belmont is circled by more than 2.4 million people on Google+ and is one to follow for her fun video updates and gamer talk. She’s a technology and gaming-centric host based in California and a few of her biggest current projects include Tekzilla, a weekly tech help and how-to show, and The Sword and Laser, a science fiction and fantasy podcast.
6. Guy Kawasaki
Guy Kawasaki stays true to his Google+ tagline of ‘I share enchanting stuff. All the time. In large quantities.’ by posting everything from recipes to writer reviews. He’s a former chief evangelist of Apple and is the author of What the Plus! Google+ for the Rest of Us. More than 5.4 million Google+ users follow him.
7. Tim O’Reilly
Tim O’Reilly, yet another Google+ success story, has more than 2.8 million followers. He’s the founder of O’Reilly Media and is also an internet activist, computer book publisher and conference producer. His posts page is filled with links to thought-provoking articles and research as well as random tips and suggestions.
8. Jeff Jarvis
Jeff Jarvis is a journalism professor, professional author and blogger, and nearly 3 million Google+ users have him in their circles. His posts page features a wonderful blend of humorous updates, internet activism and lots of journalistic goodness.
This may or may not be what happens when you generate a loyal following of Google+ users.
Do you currently follow any of these authors or do you have suggestions for other Google+ authors to follow?