For three years running, Sony has not only participated in the Electronic Entertainment Expo ( E3) convention (the biggest gaming get-together in the world, pretty much), but also has broadcast its own press event in movie theaters throughout North America. That’s how you know when a brand has juice — its fans are willing to sit in theater seats, munching on popcorn and Milk Duds while they watch their favorite entertainment company unveil its latest and future offerings.
If only we all had that kind of devotion.
What Makes Sony’s Customers So Loyal?
Get your game on.
Unlike many brands, Sony has adopted an experiential marketing strategy. In other words, the company gets in the trenches with its fans, shakes hands, and conducts real-life demos that make loyal customers feel like part of the team.
Sony attends many festivals and conventions throughout the year, from Lollapalooza to the Electric Daisy Carnival. It doesn’t limit its physical promotions to gaming or entertainment events, either. You’ll find Sony displays, booths, and tents at music, arts, and nature festivals, as well, because it knows its target audience.
However, experiential marketing doesn’t just extend to event attendees. People who watch the E3 conference at movie theaters feel as though they’re part of the action even though they’re watching events unfold on the big screen.
How You Can Copy Experiential Marketing
We’re big fans of the internet here at Media Shower — after all, we believe that content remains king no matter what the stakes. However, we also know that human contact beats ones and zeroes every day of the week.
Try attending trade shows, conferences, job fairs, and other industry-related events. Tie those events to your content marketing campaign to engage different types of audiences.
How Does Sony Fill Theater Seats?
Seeing is believing.
You might be surprised to learn that movie theater tickets to the E3 expo are free. Attendees get seated on a first-come, first-serve basis, and procuring a ticket doesn’t guarantee you a seat for the show.
Sony could probably charge for these events, but it doesn’t. Why? Because it’s giving back. It wants its customers and potential customers to know about new product offerings, and charging for the experience could cause blow-back.
Can You Use Free Promotions to Market Your Business?
You don’t have to charge for everything. If you have a blog, for instance, you probably don’t charge readers to visit your posts. Similarly, you might offer a free gift, such as an informative white paper, for folks who sign up for your email list.
There’s a stigma around the word “free” that shouldn’t exist anymore. No, you shouldn’t give away your products and services. But at the same time, you shouldn’t charge for every experience and perk.
Sony has transformed its customers into eager brand ambassadors. They don’t just buy Sony products; they rave about those products to their friends and family members, talk about them on social media, and consider themselves early adopters.
You can create a similar culture for your business with the right balance of content, quality, customer service, and value. If you’re struggling to build a rabid fan base, we’re here to help. Get a free trial and learn how the Media Shower touch can boost audience engagement and put your business on the digital map.