If a picture is worth a thousand words, what are 1,000 influencers worth? At the very least, some great content.
Media Shower is proud to announce an impressive milestone: 1,000 influencers served!
In just one short year, we’ve connected with numerous experts in their respective fields, asking each if they’d like to be the subject of an interview, and a robust 1,000 of them have graciously accepted. Why is this important? Let’s talk about it.
Why Reach Out to Influencers?
There are a few benefits to cultivating a fine crop of influencers. One is the immediate traffic impact. When a person gets interviewed and that interview gets published, it’s only natural that he or she will want to share that article within their circles. It happens quite frequently, and it gets your content seen across a wider spectrum.
Featuring in-depth interviews with thought leaders also raises the credibility of your blog. Think of it like the Italian restaurant with all the signed celebrity photos on the walls. “Look, honey! Wink Martindale ate here in 1997! This place has to be good!” If visitors see you’re mingling with the experts, you’ll be perceived as trustworthy and, perhaps, as one of the experts too. That’s a good thing.
“These interviews provide our customers with the ability to access and collaborate with thought leaders in their industry,” says Media Shower’s Director Operations, Rob Montepeluso. “The end result is great content, additional web exposure, and increased SEO rankings for our customers.
How Do You Do It?
Getting to 1,000 influencers takes a lot of work. There’s the initial research, lots of outreach (everyone doesn’t say yes), executing the interview, putting it all together, and promoting it.
With our interviews, a handful of people works in unison. Susan Jennings conducts many of the Q&As and knows what it takes to get an influencer talking. “I think the best interviews are the ones where you hit on questions that are specifically targeted to that influencer’s passion and expertise. That’s how you elicit the most interesting and informative responses,” says Jennings. The key is finding the process that works best for your business.
But be warned: It’s not easy.
“I would tell any company that’s looking to do this to prepare for many challenges—especially if they’re going to start from scratch as we did,” says Montepeluso. “Or, they can leverage our services and platform, since we already have the secret sauce figured out.” And hey, if we’re counting that expert advice from Rob and Susan, that makes 1,002 influencers.
If you’re looking for opportunities to bring your business to a new audience and strengthen relationships with your existing customers, we can help. Media Shower creates the content you need to connect. Request a free content marketing assessment today.
Photo courtesy aviewfromtheedge.blogspot.com