If you’ve ever searched for excellent travel deals, you have likely seen Expedia pop up in your search. The travel website is known for offering hot deals on plane tickets, hotels, cruises, car rentals, and more. In addition to its wide variety of travel offerings, Expedia has its own blog called ‘Out There Starts Here.’
On ‘Out There Starts Here,’ Expedia provides helpful tips for traveling all around the globe. Whether readers look forward to spending a weekend in the big city or a month abroad, Expedia knows how to appeal to each type of traveler with its approach to content.
Reading Expedia’s blog makes it seem as if you have your own personal travel agent.
1. Expedia Uses Storytelling Visuals
Visuals are essential storytelling tools because of the way people process photos. In a matter of seconds, readers understand the tone and theme of a piece. In many ways, text may fail to express the breadth of the situation.
Capturing the tone of a piece is about more than demonstrating smiling faces and romantic walks on the beach. It’s about finding the perfect color scheme to convey raw emotion. It’s about using titles that intrigue and assist. It’s about looking beyond the literal context of the words and discovering what it is about them that moves people.
2. Expedia Knows What to Sell
Expedia also offers visuals that make the reader think, “That could be me.” Any reader could be the one sunning on a beach or surfing the righteous waves of Australia. That latte could be in your hand, keeping you warm on a cold winter’s day.
When the traveler could be anonymous, said traveler could be anybody. This allows the reader to put herself in a position where she can envision surfing, sailing, hiking, dining at a fantastic restaurant, or even staying in a luxurious hotel room overlooking the heart of the city.
3. Expedia Inspires Readers
Through the use of stunning visuals and illustrative text, Expedia paints pictures of travel experiences. Rather than offering a list of beaches to surf, the blog offers the details a traveler needs to make plans. ‘Out There Starts Here’ throws out vague notions and instead tells readers where to go, providing more bang for their buck.
Strong content encourages you to make a decision now.
4. Expedia Offers Organized Content
Want to read more about traveling in Asia? Are you ready to explore the outback? Inspired to trek across the U.S.? Companies like Expedia use data to figure out what its readers want to know and how they want to shop.
Expedia creates organization by offering categories that make your research easier. Filter out the content you don’t want to see and focus instead on the material that speaks to your interests.
Creating content that appeals to the sense on several levels is no easy feat. It takes imagination and dedication to craft material that works.
Want to let the experts hook you up with great content? Get a free trial today!