Mansi Rana is the managing director of EZ Rankings, a pioneering digital services provider in India. We recently sat down with Mansi to hear her thoughts on the state of the digital marketing industry.
Tell us about your work background. Why are you so passionate about digital marketing?
I have been a part of the digital world for over a decade now. The most riveting aspect of digital marketing is real-time tracking. It’s interesting to see visitors’ behavior and to conduct yourself accordingly. So unlike other media where you are not sure about the impact, every action is measurable in the digital world.
EZ Rankings serves clients in over a dozen countries. Have you noticed any differences from nation to nation in the challenges that you face?
There are definitely minor differences when you are dealing with clients from different nations. The most important challenge for us is convincing them that they should hire us when they have options available locally.
Finish this sentence: “From a design standpoint, the most important aspect of a website is its…”
… user interface and navigation. Without this, you cannot retain a visitor.
EZ Rankings offers both SEO packages and local SEO packages to its clients. In practical terms, what’s the difference between SEO and local SEO?
SEO is more targeted around global reach. It’s best for businesses that cater to the world. On the other hand, local SEO is best suited for businesses with limited reach or within a niche industry.
Talk a bit about the current state of pay-per-click advertising. What types of websites or businesses tend to benefit the most from PPC?
PPC is one of the fastest-growing platforms as test ads, remarketing, and mobile ads continue to get popular. Businesses that are selling products and services benefit the most from PPC ads.
Many businesses are trying to appeal to mobile phone or tablet computer users. What should these companies consider when trying to decide whether to build a mobile app, configure a mobile-responsive site, or take some other approach to accomplish that goal?
It is very important to understand what you are trying to achieve from building a mobile app or mobile response.
When it comes to the programs and plans you provide to your clients, how do you measure their success?
We rely on several platforms to measure the success of a campaign, from Google Analytics and Woopra to Kissmetrics and Keyhole. We invest in a lot of different kinds of software to help us identify problem areas and measure success.
What are some of the changes we may see in digital marketing over the next five to ten years?
I feel that mobile will continue to be the center of marketing, and that unique content will be valued and preferred. Social platforms will evolve as well.
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