TL;DR: Put together a webinar in record time by recording a Zoom meeting, then saving the video to YouTube.


Traditionally, webinars have been carefully planned, publicized, and produced — but in these fast-moving days, nobody’s got time for that.

Enter the “Wing-It Webinar.”

The quick version is:

  • Invite a bunch of people to your Zoom meeting and hit “Record to Computer”
  • Keep it brief (the shorter the better), ideally with talking points and a guest expert
  • Upload the finished video to YouTube and distribute widely

We’ve been using this method over the past two weeks with our Coronavirus Communication (CoCo) training, and it gets the job done. Here’s a recent example.

Real-Life Example

  • We identified a need for training for our healthcare clients on CoCo best practices.
  • We quickly found an expert (Gil Bashe), who we invited to a Zoom call with some basic talking points.
  • We did a quick intro, threw it to Gil for a few questions, then wrapped up (20 minutes).
  • We published the Zoom video to YouTube.
  • We promoted it widely across email newsletters and social media.

Watch the finished video here.

This whole process took less than 24 hours, start to finish. It’s quick and dirty, but it gets the job done — and that’s the spirit of the times.

You can adjust this process for your own teams and software platforms, but the basic idea is 1) have something to say, 2) get it quickly recorded and published, 3) get it distributed ASAP.

Too Soon?

The Coronacrisis is the time to fundamentally rethink your business. If you were ever planning on experimenting or switching up your strategy, NOW IS THE TIME.

As a perfect example, here’s a Portland-area strip club that has reinvented themselves as a food delivery service called “Boober Eats.” This is not a joke: check out how they have redeployed their in-house employees (including bartenders and cashiers) into totally different job roles. (Warning: kinda NSFW.)

Watch the Boober Eats business case study here (courtesy The Oregonian)

5 Business Best Practices During the Coronacrisis:

> Think about how to reinvent your business to meet the changing needs of the times.

> Stay creative, stay innovative, stay loose.

> Find your “New Normal.” We aren’t going back to the Old Normal.

> Share best practices (as we’ve done in this newsletter) to help others learn quickly.

> Spend 10% of your time helping others.