Best Practices for Bottom-Funnel Content (+ Templates and Ideas)

TLDR: The bottom of the content funnel is where you’re converting prospective customers into paying customers. In this article, we’re offering in-depth insights into creating compelling, measurable content that resonates with customers at the final stage of the buying journey, with best practices and examples.

Plus, our Bottom-Funnel Idea Generator will help you create amazing content ideas, instantly and free.

How to Use our Bottom-Funnel Idea Generator

Looking for bottom-funnel content ideas customized to your business? Let our AI assistant do the brainstorming for you! Just give it a few details and get great ideas, which you can have emailed to you.

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In content marketing, there’s usually one final goal: converting a potential customer into a paying customer. 

In previous installments of this series, we’ve covered top-funnel content (grabbing the customer’s attention), and mid-funnel content (helping them understand your company and product). Now, we’re covering bottom-funnel content, leading to decision-making and a sale.

What is Bottom of Funnel Content (BOFU)?

Bottom of Funnel Content (BOFU) refers to marketing materials targeted at prospects in the final stage of the purchasing journey. At this stage, they are (ideally) ready to make a final decision–which means they need data, comparisons, and gentle reminders to make the final decision. 

Accordingly, BOFU content will often include detailed product information, comparisons, testimonials, case studies, and personalized calls to action… anything to help them finalize the decision. More specifically, you’re helping prospects see why your solution, product, or service stands out in a market of competitors.

For some reason, BOFU content doesn’t get much love: According to Semrush, 76% of content marketers create BOFU content (compared to 95% for TOFU). However, only 21% of the total content is BOFU content, according to CMI

Marketer’s Takeaway: Content at the bottom of the funnel assumes the prospective customer already knows about you, and focuses instead on conversion. This means getting into the nitty-gritty details of your product and offer,, including assets like:

  • Sales One-Pagers
  • Comparison Pages
  • Detailed Customer Stories
  • Product Demos (Written or Video)
  • Pricing Landing Pages
  • Package Customization and Description Pages.

What Are Some Effective BOFU Content Strategies?

BOFU strategies combine good Calls To Action surrounded by information that invites the customer to commit. At this point, they ideally trust your company and your position in the industry. They see the value of what you offer and understand that you could fill a need they have, and now they are ready to make a final decision.

Therefore, content strategies at the bottom of the funnel will look very different from those at the top. We’re not looking to build a reputation or catch someone’s attention. We have it and want to capitalize on it by making it simple to sign on the figurative dotted line.

Some of the strategies at this stage include:

  • Integration with Sales Strategies: The collaboration between marketing and sales is pivotal at the BOFU stage. By integrating marketing content with sales tactics, businesses can ensure a seamless transition for the customer from interest to purchase.
  • Bottom-funnel SEO: While SEO is often seen as a top-of-funnel, awareness-building process, it’s also critical for bottom-of-funnel marketing. Rather than casting a wide net for keywords, create highly targeted sales content for people searching directly for your brand, product, or service.
  • Leveraging Customer Feedback and Testimonials: In the BOFU stage, trust and credibility are paramount. Incorporating customer feedback, testimonials, and success stories into BOFU content can significantly impact purchase decisions.
  • Innovative Content Formats: Innovation is key in a world where standard content often blends into the background. BOFU content can be revitalized using formats like interactive content, virtual and augmented reality experiences, and advanced video marketing. These formats not only engage the customer in a novel way but also provide a memorable experience that can differentiate a brand in a crowded market.

Marketer’s Takeaway: BOFU content strategy should not be one-pagers and landing pages alone (though that’s a good start). Experiment with informational video content, product demos, case studies, and SEO content targeted to your brand or product.

Examples of BOFU Content Strategy

Example: NexaPoint Tech


The strategy aims to guide potential customers at the bottom of the funnel toward conversion, emphasizing NexaPoint Tech’s strength in providing cutting-edge SaaS security solutions. By showcasing tangible benefits through real-world examples and offering direct, personalized engagement, the strategy seeks to solidify the brand’s reputation as a trusted and innovative leader in the industry.


SecureNet’s Customer Testimonial

The testimonial from SecureNet, a healthcare provider, is a cornerstone of this strategy. The story details how SecureNet’s network security was significantly enhanced by NexaPoint’s solutions, leading to reduced downtime and enhanced data protection. This narrative not only underlines NexaPoint’s capabilities but also humanizes the brand by showing its impact on clients’ everyday operations. This emotional connection is key in persuading prospects about the tangible benefits of partnering with NexaPoint.

Landing Page Design

The landing page is a central lead conversion hub. It is meticulously designed to engage and inform visitors. The SecureNet video testimonial is placed prominently to capture immediate attention, supplemented by a clear, compelling call-to-action (CTA) for scheduling a demo. The page design is clean and intuitive, ensuring visitors can easily navigate and absorb the information. This setup is intended to educate prospects about NexaPoint’s offerings while smoothly guiding them toward the next steps in the engagement process.

One-Pager Content

The one-pager is crafted to provide a brief yet comprehensive overview of NexaPoint Tech’s services, focusing on the critical aspects of network security, ease of use, and the benefits of their SaaS model. This document is crucial for first impressions, designed to intrigue and inform leads, setting the stage for deeper engagement through the subsequent steps of the strategy.

Metrics for Success

The effectiveness of this strategy will be measured through various metrics. These include email open and click-through rates to gauge initial interest and engagement. and interaction metrics on the landing page, such as time spent and click rates on the CTA, to assess interest depth, the number of demos scheduled, indicating a serious consideration, and ultimately, the conversion rate post-demo, to measure the strategy’s effectiveness in driving sales.

Email Sequence

Email 2: Follow-up – Customer Testimonial and Demo CTASender: Emily Carter, Client Relations Manager, NexaPoint Tech

Subject Line: See How NexaPoint Elevates Network Security – A Client’s Story


By now, you’ve probably learned a lot about NexaPoint Tech. But we wanted to ensure that you’re getting all the answers you need regarding the security needs of your business.  

But don’t take our word for it. Listen to this story from SecureNet, one of our long-standing clients, on how NexaPoint Tech helped solve nagging network security issues they had struggled with for years. 

[Watch SecureNet’s Story]

If you’re ready to solve your pressing security problems, we’re here to help. Book a demo to see the NexaPoint difference in action.

Warm Regards,

Emily Carter

NexaPoint Tech

[Schedule a Meeting]


Email 1: First Touch – Introduction and One-PagerSender: Emily Carter, Client Relations Manager, NexaPoint Tech

Subject Line: Unlock a New Era of Network Security with NexaPoint Tech


I understand that moving to a new vendor is a big decision. That’s why I’m reaching out to provide any help and information you need to make the best decision for your business. 

If you haven’t already seen it, we have an in-depth stat sheet for the NexaPoint platform.

[Get the Sheet]

I’d love to discuss how NexaPoint Tech can specifically benefit your organization. Feel free to schedule a call with me at your convenience.

Best Regards,

Emily Carter

NexaPoint Tech

[Schedule a Meeting]


Email 3: Final Touch – Personalized ContactSubject Line: Let’s Address Your Specific Network Security Needs

Sender: Emily Carter, Client Relations Manager, NexaPoint Tech


Our resources have helped show you the value NexaPoint Tech can bring to your organization. If you have any questions or need a deeper understanding of our solutions, I am here to help.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly for a personalized discussion. Let’s ensure your network is optimized, secure, and ready for the future.

Best Wishes,

Emily Carter

NexaPoint Tech

[Schedule a Meeting]

Measuring Success in BOFU

Data and metrics around BOFU content are significantly different than elsewhere in the funnel. Questions of engagement are still slightly relevant, but we’re more interested in concrete behaviors such as conversions, conversion rate, and the Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) or Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Key Metrics and KPIs

  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who take the desired action (purchase, sign-up, etc.). This is the most direct indicator of BOFU content effectiveness.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The total cost of acquiring a new customer. Understanding CAC in the context of BOFU helps assess your marketing efforts efficiency.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): This metric estimates the total value a customer brings over their relationship with your brand. BOFU strategies should aim to maximize CLV.
  • Time to Conversion: Measures how long it takes for a lead to convert after engaging with BOFU content, indicating its persuasiveness.
  • Engagement Metrics: These include page views, time spent on the page, and interactions (likes, shares, comments) on BOFU content, indicating its relevance and appeal.

Additionally, you should use regular A/B testing and optimization of BOFU content. A/B testing different versions of content helps identify what resonates best with your audience, allowing for continuous improvement.

Finally, using analytics tools to track these KPIs gives insights into how well BOFU content is performing, and where adjustments may be necessary. This data-driven approach ensures that BOFU strategies remain effective and aligned with business goals. Fortunately, these tools are readily available with platforms like Salesforce, Sprout Social, Hubspot, and others.

Marketer’s Takeaway: When assessing performance, include a good mix of qualitative and quantitative insights. CAC and CLV are great numbers to use when you need hard data, but don’t discount the importance of customer behavior and feedback. 

Also, consider the types of content you’re pushing to the customer. According to a Semrush survey, these are the top forms of BOFU content based on conversion rate:

Best Practices in BOFU Content

Creating effective BOFU content requires a strategic approach that addresses the specific needs and concerns of potential customers on the verge of purchasing. Here are some best practices to consider:

  • Data-Driven Personalization: At this stage, personalization is critical. Using customer data to tailor content can significantly increase its effectiveness. This means creating content that speaks directly to the customer’s interests, needs, and past interactions with your brand.
  • Storytelling and Emotional Engagement: A compelling narrative that resonates emotionally can be a powerful tool in BOFU content. Stories of customer success, the journey of your product, or an emotional connection to the brand can create a lasting impact and drive decision-making.
  • Multichannel Strategies: Effective BOFU content should be distributed across channels where your audience is active. This includes email marketing, targeted social media ads, retargeting campaigns, and personalized landing pages. Each channel should have a consistent message but be optimized for the platform’s unique format and audience.
  • Clear and Compelling Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Ensure that CTAs are straightforward, visible, and directly related to the final step you want the audience to take.
  • Use of Urgency and Scarcity: Create a sense of urgency or scarcity (limited-time offers, restricted stock) to prompt quicker decision-making.
  • Follow-Up Strategies: Implement effective follow-up tactics, such as email sequences, to nurture leads who have engaged with BOFU content but have yet to convert.
  • Customer Support Integration: Incorporate options for real-time support, like chatbots or live chats, to address last-minute queries or concerns.
  • Social Proof: Utilize user reviews, ratings, and social media mentions to build trust and credibility.

Marketer’s Takeaway: Think about these strategies as layers of a customer experience. It’s reasonable to have BOFU engagement across SEO, email, social retargeting ads, etc. These should layer data gathering, unique and varied BOFU content CTAs (demos, video testimonials, etc.), and ready access to your sales or support team.

professional marketer

The Future of BOFU Content

As we look toward the future, several emerging trends are poised to reshape how we approach BOFU content:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Personalization: AI technology is revolutionizing personalization, allowing for more sophisticated and individualized content strategies.
  • Voice and Conversational Marketing: The rise of voice search and virtual assistants is changing how people seek information, prompting a shift in content optimization.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): These technologies create immersive experiences and provide new ways to demonstrate products and services.
  • Interactive Content: Gamification, quizzes, and interactive videos are becoming more prevalent, enhancing engagement and providing valuable data.
  • Video Content: The continued dominance of video content, especially short-form videos, is changing the landscape of BOFU marketing.

These trends point towards a more dynamic, interactive, and personalized future for BOFU content, where understanding and adapting to technological advancements will be key.

Make Sure You’re Closing the Deal At the Bottom of the Funnel with Media Shower

Developing great content doesn’t matter if you aren’t sticking the landing with a new customer. It takes attention to detail, an investment in investigating customer behavior, and the ability to finish the story you’ve been telling throughout the customer journey. 

As you navigate the many content offerings available at this phase of the sales journey – including one-pagers, landing pages, and emails – remember that it’s all about supporting customer decision-making. 

Need some marketing help? Let us de-mystify the funnel for you. Take Media Shower for a test drive.