How to Generate Sales Emails with AI (+ Templates and Prompts)

marketer creating sales emails with AI

Welcome to Media Shower’s comprehensive guide on using AI to craft captivating sales emails. In this guide, you’ll find our AI-powered Sales Email Generator, along with FAQs and best practices to make sales emails that sell.

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How to Use Our Sales Email Generator

Just answer a few questions and our AI-powered assistant will create great sales emails, instantly and free. Remember, the more info you give it, the better the sales emails you’ll get out of it.

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More AI Prompts for Improving Sales Emails

Once you’ve drafted your sales email, here are more AI prompts that you can use to tweak and refine it:

  1. Improve Tone and Style: Rewrite this as a more formal email for B2B clients.
  2. Highlight Unique Value Proposition: Craft a compelling opening emphasizing our business’s distinctive advantage in solving customer pain points.
  3. Shorten and Clarify: Condense this email while ensuring key product benefits remain clear.
  4. Customize for Industry: Adapt this sales email to resonate with customers in the [industry] sector.
  5. Incorporate Customer Testimonial: Integrate this client success story into the email to build credibility: [include success story]
  6. Address Pain Points Directly: Reframe this email to acknowledge and address the customer’s primary challenge directly.
  7. Add Personalization: Inject personal touches into the sales email to create a stronger rapport with potential clients.
  8. Highlight Social Proof: Find a way to include the number of satisfied customers we’ve served in the opening lines.
  9. Generate Alternate Subject Lines: Give me 5-10 alternate subject lines for this email.
  10. Include Call to Action: End the email with a clear and compelling call to action that entices immediate engagement.

Great Examples of Sales Emails

A sales email is often the first point of contact, so there is little room to make an error or come across in the wrong light. It’s all about grabbing attention immediately. Here are a few examples of companies that have done this well.

Example 1: Pique their interest with an interesting question

email that piques interest with an interesting questionExample: Moz

In this great sales email example, you can see how they have researched and opened with a fact about the company that immediately creates a connection. It’s not just someone reaching out with a random email. It’s someone who knows what is happening in the business (or at least it’s perceived that way).

The person writing here has identified a possible pain point and offered a solution. It’s not pushy but rather a subtle way of letting the reader know that there may be an option to fix a problem they may have. The subject line is also personalized.

Example 2: Make your intro personalized. You’ll double your reply rate

zendesk's email exampleExample: Zendesk

In this personalized intro example, the writer has opted to be very specific in both the subject and the opening line. He hasn’t led with ‘Hi, my name is Sean’. Opening with your name will come across as very generic, and the email will likely end up in the bin.

Example 3: Sometimes less is more

minimalistic email where less is moreExample: Pagely

There are times when less is more, as seen in this sales email example. Daily, we are inundated with text and videos, so keeping the message concise and to the point often works better than going into any detail.

You can see how the writer has gotten right to the point in the above. They have used short, simple sentences, where the entire message can be read in under 30 seconds.

Example 4: A personalized cold outreach

example of a personalized cold outreach emailExample:

You have to stand out to send a sales email that gets read. In the above-personalized email example, the writer has done exactly that. The opening line has a bold statement that asks a simple question. It’s a confident approach to take and one which often works. Take a look at the closing statement to see what we mean. 

He just asks for a brief call instead of going into much detail. It’s to the point, bold, and will make a far bigger impact than one that is flat, sales-driven, and another one of the hundreds of emails received daily.

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AI prompts for Sales Emails

Best Practices for Sales Emails

Now that you’ve seen a few examples, here are a few best practices you should follow to create a sales email that will create a real impact.

  1. Make it personal: We all get many emails daily. Capture your audience by speaking directly to them. Use their name if you have it, and try to reference relevant details about them or their business. If you do, you’ll have their immediate attention. Check out this example from Sendgrid.
  2. Subject lines matter: You only have one chance with a sales email, so make sure it stands out with a strong, relevant, and interesting subject line. Don’t be generic – instead, tailor the subject to something that speaks directly to the audience. If you offer something, get right to it without coming across as a heavy sales pitch. For some inspiration, check out these examples here.
  3. Be a problem solver: If your email gets to the point with a solution to a potential paint point, highlight that right at the start. If you can solve a problem that the reader has, there is a much higher chance of engagement. Right Inbox has a great example here.
  4. Add a bold call-to-action button: While the intro of your email and the subject line is essential, think about how you’ll be closing and what the reader needs to do to engage with you. A bold and stand-out call-to-action button will make it very easy for the reader to take action. Here is an excellent example from Brevo (formerly Sendinblue).
  5. Showcase your benefits: Don’t write a drab email with more noise in the inbox. Talk about your benefits and what sets you apart from the rest. Use short sentences to do so. Get right to the point. This ties into our 3rd point: you must highlight that you are there to solve a problem. Here’s a great example from
  6. Be concise: We’ve mentioned it already but must repeat it. Be concise and get to the point! The reader will be far more likely to read your email and take action. You can see a few examples of how this is put together here.
  7. Highlight your credentials or reputation: As with the pet groomer example above, highlight them if you have good credentials. This will improve your reputation immediately and pique the interest of the reader. This email showcases this nicely.
  8. Test, test, test! Make sure that you test various versions of your sales email. Take a close look at the data. Who responded, who didn’t, what was the open rate, etc? Here’s what this data can look like.

marketer creating sales emails with our AI generator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Sales Emails

How do I write an effective sales email?

An effective sales email should be concise, personalized, and focused on addressing the customer's pain points while highlighting the unique value of your offering. Consider the audience and their needs first, and provide enough information to open the door.

Should I use a formal or casual tone in my sales email?

The tone depends on your target audience and industry. B2B communications often lean toward formal, while B2C interactions can be more casual and relatable. Look at competitor examples to judge the appropriate tone and style.

How can I make my sales email stand out?

Hook them with the first content they will see–namely, with strong subject lines and greetings. Additionally, you should infuse your introduction with creativity and personalization, highlight unique benefits, and ensure it resonates with the recipient's needs.

Is there a recommended length for a sales email?

Keep it brief – around 3 to 5 sentences for an intro email, and a few paragraphs for follow ups. Long intros might lose the recipient's interest.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my sales email?

Track metrics like open rate and click rate to gauge the impact of your sales emails. If your audience is falling off during any of these stages, they may not find value in your email, the service or product you’re selling, or the language and tone of the opening itself.

Should I follow up after sending a sales intro email?

Yes, a well-timed follow-up shows persistence and reinforces your interest in the prospect, increasing the chances of a response and engagement.

Protips for Sales Emails

  1. Personalization Matters: Craft emails tailored to each prospect’s needs and pain points.
  2. Hook with a Compelling Opener: Begin with a thought-provoking question or a bold statement to grab attention.
  3. Highlight Unique Value: Showcase what sets your product or service apart immediately.
  4. Empathy Builds Rapport: Address customer pain points empathetically to establish a connection.
  5. Brief and Impactful: Keep your email concise while conveying the core value proposition.
  6. Call to Action Clarity: End with a clear and specific call to action for the next steps.
  7. Leverage Social Proof: Include client testimonials or recognizable industry names for credibility.
  8. Follow-Up Strategy: Plan a strategic follow-up sequence to maintain engagement and interest.

At Media Shower, we help busy marketing managers create great sales email campaigns that work. Click for a free trial of our award-winning marketing platform.