Media Shower writer Justin Matthews is well-known for his work in personal finance. You can follow him at
Developing a Philosophy to Write for the Web
Learning how to write for the web in a way that engages readers can be difficult. Over the past few years, web readers have become increasingly more mobile in their internet use. This means that articles have less and less time spent on them when read by users. Internet articles today are more scanned than read. This can make it difficult for writers who genuinely want to provide valuable content to readers. It is vital for writers to continuously provide quality content while still engaging readers in the internet age of media. Here are some tips to help make content the best it can be.

Where will your focus be?
Concentrate on Quality First
Many web writers today want to produce as much content as possible. In order to be successful over the long term, it is important to concentrate on quality. Choosing quality over quantity is a philosophy that will pay off over time when it comes to attracting readers. The good news is that there are simple things that anyone can learn to bring in more clicks and readers once quality content is produced. Writing with keywords and links can go a long way in helping writers generate more web traffic.
Write Content that Works on the Web Today
There are several attributes that quality web content needs to have in order to engage readers. At its most basic level, the content needs to be engaging and shareable. Writing a piece of content with an attractive title can go a long way in helping with the shareable aspect of your content. It is also vital to write to the audience and their needs. During the first part of the year, there are many people who are interested in getting healthy and losing weight. Sharing an article like 10 Tips to Get Lean in 2016 is something that will resonate with readers. Content should be directed towards a large audience that can be read quickly and shared easily with others.
Write for Your Audience
Learning how to write for your audience is essential to long-term success in web writing. Every site has a different niche of readers who are accustomed to a certain style of content. Although a writer should never compromise the quality of his or her writing, depending on the audience, there are times when content should be written based on the expectations of the reader. This is a learned skill the gets much easier with time. Writing quality content that is shareable and to the expectations of the audience is a recipe for success on the web today. Using proper keywords in your writing can help draw in readers. Generating content that reaches a wide audience is much more attainable than many people realize.

Nothing is impossible.
Your Next Steps
The best way to learn something is to practice. There are many writers who are interested in generating quality content that reaches a wider audience. Our Content Marketing Academy is a great resource of information for writers who are looking to take their work to the next level. Here writers can learn how to develop ideas and promote them to the right audience, and brands can learn more about why content marketing is a great promotional idea.