Podcasting is a dynamic form of media and one that continues to grow in popularity. Used strategically, it can also pack a powerful marketing punch. Audio content delivered on a regular schedule builds long-term relationships with new and existing customers.
If You Record it, it’s Gotta Be Good
Of course, it isn’t enough to simply record something. It needs to be engaging and informative as well as consistent. In the same way that any long-running, successful TV show has a regular format and style, so must podcasts if they want people to keep tuning in.
Commuter Content
People spend a great deal of time commuting, often in their cars, where they can’t write or read email, watch videos, read web sites or magazines, or use apps. What you can do, though, is listen to content.
Leaders of the Pack
There are actually a number of great podcasts out there. There are millions of potential listeners in our country, with thousands of diverse interests, to say nothing of the untapped markets of English-speaking countries.
1. The Hip NPR
At a time when high-tech media is ever available, National Public Radio (NPR) is an excellent example of a podcast (and other content) that holds its own over the long term. Their hosts are compelling narrators, whose words are supplemented by sound effects and music. Their platform and style are easily recognizable, with their own vibrant personality.
You don’t have to be political to learn big marketing lessons from NPR. They actually cover a wide variety of topics. Their Microphone Check hip hop podcast is a great place to start for inspiration.
2. Bill’s Monday Morning Podcast
Bill’s podcast is focused on information security. It’s a great example of how a business can lend its expertise and develop a reputation in a specific field through podcasting. Sounds dull, but Bill makes it thoroughly engaging. Give it a listen.
3. Car Talk
Imagine being thoroughly entertained by two guys talking about auto mechanics and repairs. You have to hear it to believe it. The Car Talk guys are incredibly popular. Who knew oil changes and tranny fixes could be so entertaining?

Be passionate about your podcast topic!
4. Extreme Health Radio
Extreme Health Radio offers up some powerful examples of content marketing, as they discuss health topics from meditation and healing arts to wilderness survival and health diets.
5. Clark Howard Radio
Consumer expert Clark Howard gives lively tips and tricks on how to get the most for your money and keep yourself safe.
Once you’ve listened to a few of these great podcasts, you’ll be raring to go!
Nuts and Bolts
Talk about something you love. When you’re passionate and can’t wait to share, creating a podcast will be more fun than work, and the story you’re telling will come to life for listeners.
Choose a name and a slogan that entice readers and tell them what to expect.
Buy a good microphone, but keep it simple. You don’t need sound recording equipment designed for a rock band.
Use subtle audio enhancements such as natural sound effects, background music or tones that signal the beginning or end of the podcast, a new “chapter,” introduction of a guest and other segments. Sounds can lend authority, framework and pizzaz to your podcast.
We’ve all heard newscasts, podcasts or speeches that would make for excellent insomnia cures. A podcast is a show, so use showmanship. Be animated (they will hear it!), and be sure to plan ahead, edit and edit again.
Just Do It
Podcasts can be a real boon for anyone’s business, and can fortify your written content exponentially. Remember, one of the biggest benefits of a podcast is that you’ll often have a captive audience, with little or no competing media as they listen to you, and absorb all you say.