How Not to Apologize: Marion Jones-Thompson’s Apology Address

What can we learn from Marion Jones-Thompson’s apology? A lot about accountability and trust (and what not to do to earn both).

Tasting Success: Lessons from the Pepsi Challenge

Pepsi differentiated themselves from massive competitor Coke and became a cultural mainstay with the “Pepsi Challenge.”

How Mitch Landrieu Brought Down the Monuments (and Brought People Together)

Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s 2017 speech challenges the legacy of Confederate monuments, advocating for racial unity and historical truth.

A Guide to B2B Customer Research Using AI

Get the most out of AI in B2B customer research. Explore benefits, challenges, and use cases for AI-driven insights in your business strategy.

Creating a Viral Sensation with the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

What can we learn as marketers about connecting with audiences from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?

Balancing Context and Positivity: Roosevelt and the Muck Rakers

Learn how Teddy Roosevelt balanced his rhetoric to make a controversial point about positivity and the media.

AI + Humans = The Marketing Dream Team

In marketing, there aren’t many larger topics of conversation than AI. Our philosophy is that it accelerates innovation and creativity rather than stifling them. See how we’ve put that philosophy into practice.

How Nike Redefined Greatness During the Olympics

In the “Find Your Greatness” campaign, Nike shows communicators how to bring the special out of what seems common or mundane.

From Rage to Reason: How RFK Appealed to Peace After MLK’s Assassination

Read more about the rhetoric of RFK’s speech on the day of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination.

Speak Like Superman: Lessons from Christopher Reeve’s Most Famous Speech

Explore how Christopher Reeve’s 1996 DNC speech utilized family values and antithesis to advocate for disability rights and medical research.