Archive for January, 2013

Since its inception in 2006, Twitter has emerged to become a force on the Internet. A force, that is, for 140 characters worth of banal nonsense. OK, so it hasn’t been all meaningless meandering posts about people’s mundane lives. There’s also been meaningless meandering posts about celebrities’ lives. Yes, Twitter is popular, but — brace yourself — it’s also a fad. “What?Read More…

Are your content marketing campaigns similar to poorly-produced indie movies: clever at the start but failing to deliver satisfactory endings? It’s a problem many business owners face in today’s world of over-information. From unexpectedness to engagement, let’s discover the strategies that are working well for others in this latest round of content marketing awesomeness. SkyfallRead More…

Jon Wuebben is the CEO of Content Launch, a web content development and strategy firm that provides content for hundreds of companies, digital agencies, web designers and others around the world. He’s also the author of “Content is Currency: Developing Powerful Content for Web & Mobile” and “Content Rich: Writing Your Way to Wealth on the Web”.Read More…